Monday 22 May 2017

Internet of  Things

IoT (Internet of Things) is an advance automation and analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology  to  deliver complete systems for a product .
The things like electronics, automobiles, physical devices which are connected to the network is called IoT.
Bridge the Gap between Virtual and physical world.
Advanced and analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial Intelligence technology to deliver a complete systems for product or service.
IBM Watson defines that  “It is growing range of Internet connected devices that capture an enormous amount of information everyday”.
According to McKinsey & company “The IoT  has the potential to fundamentally shift the way we interact with our surroundings".
Improved Customer Engagement, Technology Optimization, Reduced Waste, Enhanced Data Collection
Security, Privacy, Complexity, Flexibility, Compliance

What Devices Make it to IoT? 

 Physical objects + Controllers, sensors, actuators +Internet  = Internet of things

Physical Objects: Smartphone's range of sensors like and connectivity options have a well equipped to Internet of Things. Device can automatically monitor our movements, location, and workouts throughout.

Controllers, Sensors, Actuators:

A controller is a device  using electronic techniques in combination, form a microprocessor which monitors physically the operating conditions .
A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a 'signal' which can be read by an observer.
An actuator is a component of a machine that is responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or system.

The internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol  (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide.

IOT Platforms:

What is an IOT Platform: IOT platform is a suite of components that enable developers to Deploy apps, Remote data collection, Secure Connectivity, Device/Sensor management. There are plenty of IOT platforms are available in market these all are open source platforms. I introduced top 6 platforms.
1. AWS IOT Platform
2. Watson IOT Platform
3. Thingworx Platform
4. Microsoft Azure
5. KAA open source platform
6. Wylodrin

AWS IOT Platform:

AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected.
•         AWS IoT makes it easy to use AWS services like AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon Machine Learning, Amazon, Amazon Cloud Watch, AWS Cloud Trail, and Amazon Elastic search Service with built-in Kibana integration, to build IoT applications that gather, process, analyze and act on data generated by connected devices, without having to manage any infrastructure.
Amazon Web Services


Watson IoT:

Watson Iot, it was developed by IBM Blue mix is a one of the platform by developing  Watson Iot.
The Watson APIs for IoT help accelerate the development of cognitive IoT solutions and services on the IBM Watson IoT Platform. By using these APIs, you will be able to build cognitive applications that:• Interact to with humans naturally by using both text and voice
Understand images and recognize scenes
Learn from sensory inputs to find meaningful patterns
Correlate data with external data sources, such as weather or Twitter.


Thingworx is a first application development platform. Thingworx is the only enterprise-ready technology platform that enables innovators to rapidly develop and deploy smart, connected solutions for the Internet of Things.

Thingworx properties:

Deployment of applications that monitor, manage, and control connected devices
Remote data collection from connected devices
Independent and secure connectivity between devices
Device/sensor management
Integration with 3rd party systems
fig: Mashup Builder

Mashup Builder is to design your custom dashboard and create application.

to download Thingworx.apk file to install it. This will be show the your mobile sensor data will be displayed on Thingworx cloud platform.
once open thingworx app and noted your IMEI number then put your IMEI number in Thingworx Mashup builder, Then automatically generate app key that will be put on Thingworx app and next send data,then automatically send your mobile details show them.

Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure is widely considered as Platform as a Service (Paas) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering.
Microsoft categorizes Azure services into 11 main product types:
Compute – these services provide virtual machines, containers, batch processing and remote application access.
Web and mobile – these services support the development and deployment of web and mobile applications, and also offer features for API management, notification and reporting.
Data storage – this category includes Database as a Service  offerings for SQL and NOSQL as well as unstructured and cached cloud storage.
Analytics – these services provide distributed analytics and storage, as real time  analytics, Big Data  analytics, data lakes, machine learning  and data warehousing.
Networking – this group includes virtual networks, dedicated connections and gateways, as well as services for traffic management, load balancing  and domain name system(DNS)  hosting.

Use an open and flexible cloud service platform
Extend your existing IT
Protect your data
Run your apps anywhere


Kaa is a production-ready, multi-purpose middleware platform for the Internet of Things that allows building complete end-to-end IoT solutions, connected applications, and smart products.
The Kaa platform provides an open, feature-rich toolkit for the IoT product development and thus dramatically reduces associated cost, risks, and time-to-market.
 For a quick start, Kaa offers a set of out-of-the-box enterprise-grade IoT features that can be easily plugged in and used to implement a large majority of the IoT use cases.


Wyliodrin is a development platform that allows building of Internet of Things applications.

With the Wyliodrin platform you can program and control embedded boards without having to:
Connect your board to a monitor, keyboard and mouse
Use SSH to connect to it
Know a programming language (C, Java or Python) in detail
Search for drivers of sensors etc
Note :Currently, Wyliodrin supports Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo, Intel Edison, UDOO, Beagle Bone Black, Arduino (through Raspberry Pi)
Wyliodrin Architecture:

3C'S of IoT: The 3C's of Iot have been divided into 2 types. They  are followed as:
Industrial Iot
Commercial Iot

Industrial Iot: The “3 C’s requirement for Industrial IoT systems”.
Context: Any piece of sensor data needs context, and without it there is limited meaning of an isolated data set. For example, a sensor measuring external weather when combined with a compressed air system performance data in a factory provides context to the overall system performance. This means combining computing infrastructure with data modelling and systems engineering experience is a must to provide context to any IoT data set.
Closing the loop: The Industrial IoT (operational technology) world relies on closed loop systems from controlling processes to scheduling maintenance. A typical industrial systems map, for any medium to large industrial site, is a heterogeneous map comprised of systems from various suppliers that need to work in unison delivering specific process requirements or equipment performance.
For any IoT system to work within this infrastructure, there is a need for the system to be able to integrate with other OT systems and also enable closing a process or system loop. For example, if the IIoT system is delivering new process KPI’s through additional sensor data, it needs to also deliver a system view to close the loop for the process performance and provide control recommendations to optimise process performance.  
Criticality: Industries are run on 24x7, 365-day cycles requiring a range of critical systems to make the factory shop floor or mining, oil & gas operations work seamlessly. For these operations to allow a new system to be added to their existing infrastructure, it needs to deliver something new that is critical to the process.
For example: This can be a new insight from the data providing dynamic recommendations to the control system or to the operator before the event occurs, or identifying waste in the process with a way to eliminate it.
Without criticality of the information delivered by the IIoT system, it would face an uphill battle to be made a part of the Industrial systems map.

Commercial IoT:

 Control : At the bottom of the pyramid, the devices work on their own and isolated. They can go through life on their own and interaction is necessitated directly between the user and the device. Your Toaster is a example of this, it's happy to fully function on it's own never knowing another toasted (or any other device) ever existed.
"These devices are bottom of the ladder and aren't very smart at all."
Connected :The next level is a device that can communicate with other devices. (Unfortunately, at this point often the communication is uni-directional and more in a slave-master type of relationship.)
Your Logitech Harmony remote is a example of this, as it's happy to tell your Blue-Ray Player, Receiver and TV what to do. Once you've gotten used to interacting with the single remote it's hard to imagine interacting with every single device one-at-a-time (like when you have to debug which device is not working properly!?!).
"These devices are smarter as they have to know at some level to communicate to other devices."

Cooperation-Coordination - The 3rd and final level IoT is devices that work together for a common good. At this point the magic happens as suddenly the sum is greater than the parts.
Beyond gains from simplification, new features and powers emerge from the gestalt/collective.
 For example Bit Coins is much more powerful than a simple collection of electronic banking institutions. Your car cooperating with your house so you can seamlessly continue that conference call would be another use-case.