Friday 26 May 2017

Ardunio Tutorial

What is an Arduino?

Arduino is a collection of three things. There are Hardware prototype platform, Arduino language and IDE & libraries. The Arduino boards are micro-controllers, not a full-fledged computer. They don’t run a full operating system, but simply write the code and execute as their firmware interprets it.

Arduino Board
Arduino Board

The main purpose of the Arduino board is to interface with the devices and sensors, so it’s great for hardware projects in which you simply want things to respond various sensor readings and manual input. This may not seem to be a lot, but it is actually a very sophisticated system that allows you to better manage your devices. It is great for interfacing with other devices and actuators, where a full operating system would be overload for handling simple read and response actions. It has 8-bit AVR microcontroller and hardware support for SPI, I2C and Serial.

Advantages (Pros)

Following are some of the main advantages of Arduino.
  • Very easy to get started.
  • Can be used for real-time applications for both hardware, software and IDE is open source.
  • Not much programming knowledge needed to do basic stuff.
  • It is very easy to extend and has tons of user contributed shields and libraries. Shields are available to do attractive much anything.

Disadvantages (Cons)

Following are some of the main limitations of Arduino.
  • It is not very powerful when compared with Raspberry Pi
  • You need to program using either Arduino or C/C++
  • Connecting to the internet is slightly difficult, but not impossible. Parsing of Arduino with YQL and JSON is possible.

When to Use & Not Use Arduino

  • If your project requires you to interact with a lot of external hardware requirements, then you should consider using Arduino.
  • On the other hand, if your project requires a lot, so you have to write a complex software entire software stack or protocols, then Arduino may not be the best options.

Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi

Choosing which board you want depends on the type of project you want to make, and your experience in programming. If you have no experience in programming or electronics, you will find the Arduino a steeper learning curve than the Raspberry Pi as you will have to learn them both at the same time. The Arduino has been around for a while though, and there are tons of useful tutorials around to get you started. If you have experience in programming, you won’t be having problem in getting to grips with the Arduino straight away.
Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi
Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi
The Arduino is based on hardware, which means you won’t get far without some components: LCDs, LEDs, resistors, motors etc. Depending upon what project you want to do. You need no experience or components to get the Raspberry Pi to do something. Just plug and play.
If you want to make a hardware project, then the Arduino is the best choice. The input is given analog and get output is PWM and a whole spectrum of compatibility the Raspberry Pi cannot do natively. Plus the large I/O pins let you to connect the multiple sensors and feedback components. The Arduino however, is not as powerful as the Raspberry Pi, so there’s no proper video, audio, or internet out of the box. The Arduino can send data to your PC or Raspberry Pi, over serial, and you can then create a program to read this data and do something.
If you want to make a software project, then the Raspberry Pi is the way to go. The video, audio, and internet capabilities make it the winner in this aspect. There’s no need to attach external components, so there’s no real need to learn electronics.
FeatureRaspberry PiArduino
Programming LanguageNo limitArduini, C/C++
Processor Speed700 MHz,16MHz
Internet connection very easyNot easyDoable
Hardware designClosed sourceOpen source
Real timeHardware realtimeIn real time
Analog to DigitalNoYes
Thus, this is all about the differences between Arduino and Raspberry Pi. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any queries regarding this topic or electrical and electronics projects Please give your feedback by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what are the applications of an Arduino and Raspberry pi?

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